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 19 Recreation Park Rd., Pine Bush, NY       

Lou & Del Roberson  845-283-1587 /  845-283-1578


 We Wish Everyone a HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR,

Thank You For Your Patronage!



 In Memoriam for Paul Bell – Our Friend, Your Friend & Our Employee for almost 30 Years


It is with a heavy heart, we announce the passing of one of our dearest & best friends, Paul Bell, this past September 2023.  Many of our auction friends knew Paul well, he worked for us for almost 30 years.  My Dad , Ralphie & Paul were best buddies and had a great time together selling at the Maybrook flea market, hanging out and getting into trouble!   Paul had a great sense of humor and was always pulling pranks, especially on my Dad!  His quick wit always had us laughing… There are so many stories we can tell, but one that sticks in our mind is when we treated ourselves & Paul to Walt Disney World… We were walking when the Cat in the Hat came over to us… Of course, a photo was in order with this tall cat, after we posed, Paul looks at the cat and says “So – Say, what kind of cat food do you eat anyway?” We laughed & laughed …  Paul’s legacy for us and all his friends was that great sense of humor.   When we semi-retired, Paul  & Jackie moved to the state of Florida, we think he enjoyed it there in his new home.  With his auction experience, Paul started buying and selling and had a nice little business going for a while…   Chris – Paul & Jackie’s daughter joined them in Florida.  Paul enjoyed spending a lot of time with his grandchildren and great grandson plus enjoying the warm weather.    Just before we were leaving for the winter to go south, Paul would start calling more often, looking for us to arrive. As soon as we arrived –  Louie, Lou & Paul would meet for coffee at Starbucks almost every day and we all met at Panera Bread on Sundays.  On Saturday the three amigos would go to all the garage sales, of course!  




We had many good times together,  we will sincerely miss Paul, We truly can’t believe he’s gone but we know he’s probably teasing the angels and they’re all laughing right now!  Our Heartfelt Sympathy goes out to Paul’s Family & their dog   “Happy Boy”….

Lou & Del Roberson & Family


       $$ Cash paid for One Piece to Entire Contents $$
  Over 50 Years In the Antique Business 

          Estates – Our Specialty… Always Handled with Care 
             Lou & Del Roberson  
       845-283-1587       845-283-1578

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